Sunday, October 11, 2009

Still Working

We're still working on the farm, getting ready for next year's CSA season. I planted 5 lbs of garlic (Red Chesnock and Inchellium) last Wednesday evening. I worked until almost dark and put the last clove in the ground just as a Doe and her two fawns came to see what I was doing.

I also started to raise the hoop house. I put up one panel so far and I am going to double wrap it in plastic this year. I also have an old wood burning stove that I am going to put inside and experiment with night time temperatures so that I can keep things toasty at night when March comes around. Another idea is to affix some rain gutters to the sides that would catch the water into a rain barrel and see if I can then engineer it to a soaker hose inside. It is a fun project.

Lastly, I planted sour 10 cherry trees given to me by Henry Brown of Alexandria, IN. He is an amazing gardener who is in his 90s and still gardening as if he was 50. He is sharp, resourceful and enterprising. Just to give you an example of his activity at 90+ he started a community garden in Alexandria and taught other families in the community how to garden. Just from his own 20x10 plot amongst several other small family pots, he donated over 200 vegetable items to the local food pantry.

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