Monday, October 12, 2009

Plans for 2010 CSA Season

What an honor it has been sharing our produce with our CSA members this year! It has been a very rewarding experience for me and my family. There were days, especially those weeks without rain, when I thought we were not going to haveenough to harvest. And, I know there were a couple of weeks where we all hoped there was more in the boxes. Then, there seemed to be other weeks where there was too much!! Better too much than not enough, I think. We can always share the surplus.

Thank you for all of your input into how we can make the CSA experience better next year. I appreciated hearing about the things you liked...shared recipes on the blog, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Kale, New Potatoes, and the variety of lettuces. I also appreciated hearing about what we need to work on…

  1. Printed veggie lists in the boxes each week (Can do, and will do!)
  2. No more Mexican Gherkin Cucumbers (too weird, I know)
  3. More traditional veggies and less ethnic varieties (On it! See below)
  4. Printed recipes in the weekly boxes for some of the unusual veggies (Yep! Will do!)

Some other ideas for next year that I am working on:

  1. Refer a friend program. Refer a friend and get a free Mission Berry Farms T-shirt or Cap ($20 value) (
  2. Saturday pick up (new pick up time window-- from 9AM to 1:00 PM)
  3. Volunteer at the Farm Day (Time and date TBD)
  4. Mission Berry Farms Cycling Team to race in Central Indiana bicycle races on the road and at the Major Taylor Velodrome.

Veggies for 20010
Pickling cucumbers, Kohlrabi
Japanese Shuyo slicing cucumbers
Sweet Corn (Peaches & Cream)
Tomatoes (Brandywine & Amish Paste)
Green Beans
Chinese Yard long green beans
Lettuces (5 to 6 varieties)
Greens (Collards, Kale, Chard)
Potatoes (more!)
Onions (more!)
Garlic (more!)
Broccoli (more!)
Butternut Squash
Acorn Squash
Cut flowers
Peaches (if the frost doesn’t kill the buds)

You can sign up any time for 2010. The sooner the better because it helps us better plan. Just go to to sign up via Paypal. Or you can send a check along with your printed form from the website to me at Farmer Dave, at 7388 N. 750 W., Frankton, IN 46044. Prices for 2010 will remain the same: $250 for ½ share and $400 for a full share.

Thanks again and Happy Holidays!

Farmer Dave

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