Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Beating The Rain

Many thanks to Bright Farm in Frankton for allowing us to borrow the tractor with that awesome tiller on the back. To beat the rain I tried to "make hay" while the sun was smiling. Ellie ( my 7yr old) and I managed to plant snow peas, Cosmos, Green Anelino Pole Beans, three rows of potatoes (Pontiac, Irish Cobler, and Ukon Gold), one row of onion plants, Star of David Okra, 8 rows of Golden Bantam sweet corn, and two rows of Mamoth Sunflowers (placed at the far end behind the corn). Ellie was coaxed into helping by Mom telling her that she could stay up past her bedtime if she helped Dad. Ellie went in at quarter till 9:00 and I finally gave up for the dark at about 9:30. I was beat!

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