Thursday, May 14, 2009

1.5 Inches of Rain Last Night!

Wow, maybe I'll build an arc next. The new garden seems to be draining pretty well though and with today's sunshine much of it was not looking too wet, with the exception of a couple of low places at the edges. I couldn't wait any longer though so I put in all of the tomato plants and a row of Tomatillos. My brother-in-law, the gourmet, was giddy about that because he thinks there might even be enough for him to make his salsa this summer. I'm sure there will be some left over. Let's just see what we can get in the ground this weekend if the rains continue to hold off. If anyone has some mulching ideas, I think I am going to need them. With all of this rain the weeds are growing fast and the new garden will be very weedy since that ground was just turned over earlier this spring. I plan on using newspaper and straw, and maybe some landscaping fabric, which worked wonders on my potatoes a couple of years ago. I'll snap some pictures this weekend and post them soon.

Oh yeah, we still have shares available.

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