Monday, April 5, 2010

Po-Ta-Toes! "Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew"

We planted 100 lbs of potatoes today which comes to 14 rows. Last year I didn't feel we had enough. This year I think we will. The miraculous part of it was that the whole family, Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Wife, and kids helped and we got them all in the ground in an hour an a half, just before the rain came. Sweeet!

Next we will be planting onions. Tomatoes, peppers, egg plants are growing well in the greenhouse.

The other thing that we are all excited about is that we think we will have some fruit this year because I think we will miss any major freezes this spring that would kill buds and blooms. The peach trees look good. We should have some strawberries and red raspberries, too.

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Hank Meeker said...

"Taters? What's taters?" too add to your quote!


Looking forward to some yummy taters! They are my favorite!

Stinson Anderson said...

Good reply Hank! I can hear Smiegal's voice now. My son does it so well it's scary.