Friday, July 24, 2009

Veggie Tips

Just a few thoughts about some of the upcoming veggies to come in your boxes. Be sure to wash your cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli in salt water to get rid of any worms. We don't use pesticides so I'm sure you will find some crawly things trying to get in their last meal before yours begins.

If you find some green tomatoes in your box those are for frying! Fried Green Tomatoes. It wasn't just an award winning book.

Also, look for some red tomatoes to start showing up in a week or two. They are just starting to turn and I can't keep from eating the Cherry Tomatoes right off the vine. Tomatillos and peppers are starting to show well, too.

The green beans have been disappointing so far. However, I just planted a bunch more for a late season crop. The pole varieties of green beans have also not produced yet and the vines are not looking as good as they should. It was very dry for June so I think that has caused a few crop failures. The snow peas also didn't do well.

See you at tomorrow's pick up!


Farmer Dave

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