Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Progress Report

  • Field is plowed. Waiting on it to dry out to disc it.
  • Romain Lettuce & Spinach is planted
  • Garlic is looking good and chives are coming up
  • The greenhouse is working well. Several flats of veggies started
  • Raised bed is coming to life with carrots, kale, collards, arugula, spinach and lettuces.
  • Tiller has been serviced and is running really well.

To do:
  • Plant the rest of the early spring seeds. (Kids will help me with this)
  • Start a few more flats in the greenhouse
  • Build chicken house (we hope to offer an egg share in the future)
  • Build compost bins
  • Plant red potatoes
  • Make signs for the house and road
  • Make CSA boxes
  • Make garden signs (kids will do this)

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